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Animal Tissue Table

Tissues of Multicellular Complex Animals

Four Primary Types

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous

Multicellular complex animals are composed of an assortment of tissues that serve various functions and play a crucial role in the overall functioning of the organism. These tissues can be broadly classified into four primary types:

Epithelial Tissue
  • Forms the lining of organs and cavities
  • Provides protection, secretion, and absorption
  • Examples: skin, lining of the digestive tract
Connective Tissue
  • Supports and protects organs and tissues
  • Connects different parts of the body
  • Examples: bone, cartilage, blood
Muscle Tissue
  • Responsible for movement
  • Can be voluntary (controlled by consciousness) or involuntary (automatic)
  • Examples: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle
Nervous Tissue
  • Transmits and processes information
  • Controls body functions and behavior
  • Examples: neurons, glial cells

These four primary tissue types work together to form the intricate and interconnected systems that make up multicellular complex animals. They provide essential functions such as protection, movement, coordination, and communication, enabling these organisms to thrive in their environments.
